第26部分(5 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

ession; the kind where he locked himself in his room and wrote poems about dying in a car

accident or something。 ?Thanks for letting me know;? she told Ruby quickly。 ?I?ll see you later;


Dan was still staring up at her expectantly as she clicked off the phone and dropped it on the

bed。 ?You got into NYU;? he said; trying but failing to hide the note of accusation in his voice。 Oh;

how skinny and stupid and inadequate he was! Not that he wasn?t happy for her; but Vanessa was

already into college; and he was just this scrawny guy who liked to write poems and who might

never get into college at all。 ?Wow;? he added hoarsely。 ?That?s great。?

Vanessa flopped back on the bed and pulled the sheet up around them。 The room felt colder now

that the sweat of passion had cooled on their bodies。 ?It?s really no big deal;? she argued; trying to

play down the excitement she?d exuded when she?d heard the news。 ?You?re the one with a poem

about to e out inThe New Yorker 。?

Over Christmas break; Vanessa had submitted Dan?s poem ?Sluts? toThe New Yorker without

his knowing; and it had been accepted for publication in the Valentine?s Day double issue; which

would be out later that week。 ?I guess;? Dan agreed; shrugging his shoulders dubiously。 ?But I still

don?t know anything 。 。 。 I mean; about myfuture 。?

Vanessa encircled Dan?s waist with her arms and pressed her cheek into his pale; ribby chest。

She still couldn?t believe she was going to NYU in the fall。 It was a sure thing; her destiny。 Still

trembling with excitement; she tried to focus on consoling Dan。 ?How many other

seventeen…year…old kids have you heard of with poems published inThe New Yor

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