第26部分(6 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

ker ? It?s

amazing;? she murmured gently。 ?And as soon as the admissions officers at the colleges you

applied to find out about it; you?re going to get in everywhere you applied; and maybe even places

you didn?t。?

?Maybe;? Dan responded hollowly。 It was easy for Vanessa to sound so confident。 She was

alreadyin 。

Vanessa propped herself up on one elbow。 There was one sure way of making Dan feel better; at

least for a little while。 ?Remember what we were doing right before Ruby called?? she purred like

a mischievous black kitty cat。

Dan frowned up at her。 One black eyebrow was cocked at a sultry angle and her pale nostrils

were flared。 He hadn?t thought he?d be up to it anymore; but his body surprised him。 He pulled

Vanessa down on top of him and kissed her hard。 If anything could make a boy feel more like a

lion than a mouse; it was a little purring。



ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02


Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to

protect the innocent。 Namely; me。

hey people!

Serena?s Tears

The Les Best people didn?t waste any time getting their new perfume ad out and by now you?ve

all seen it。 Magnifique; non? The perfume?s not available until April unless; like me; you have

access to things no one else does。 It?s a heady jasmine scent with subtle undertones of sandalwood

and patchouli。 I?m wearing it right now and I have to admit it?s just as divine as the ad。 But when

a certain blond is involved; we wouldn?t expect any less would we?

Teen heiress donates portion of inhe

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