第26部分(4 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

schedule up on the refrigerator so I?d know exactly where you are and what you?re

thinking about at all times; like the new and improved version of Big Brothers Big Sisters。

Anyway; I just wanted you to know that the mail came and there was a suspicious…looking

envelope from NYU addressed to you。 I couldn?t help but open it。 And guess what?You got in! ?

?No fucking way!? Vanessa?s body was already shot through with adrenaline from saying; ?I

love you;? and nowthis 。 Not to be cheesy; but talk about orgasmic!

She?d never been sure of her chances of getting in early; and just to show the NYU admissions

office her artistic range and to prove how serious she was about being a film major; she?d sent

them the New York film essay that she?d shot over Christmas break。 Once she?d sent it in; she?d

worried they?d think she was trying too hard。 But now her worries were over。 They liked her!

They wanted her! Vanessa could finally shake the bitchy; shallow shackles of Constance Billard

for good and focus on her craft at a place for serious artists like herself。

Dan was gazing up at her from the bed。 His sweet brown eyes seemed to be shining a little less

ecstatically than they had been before。

?I?m so proud of you; sweetie;? Ruby crooned in her most motherly voice。 ?Will you be home

for dinner? I?ve been reading Eastern European cookbooks。 I?m thinking of making pierogi。?

?Sure;? Vanessa answered quietly; suddenly concerned about Dan。 He hadn?t applied anywhere

early; so it would be a couple months before he found out where he was going next year。 Dan was

so sensitive。 This was just the sort of thing that could throw him into an insecurity…induced


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