第5部分(7 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

 security; with Daddy's

selfimage feelings of guilt and anger and the fear of what was to bee of

them…but the two main things on her mind right now were that Daddy had had a

breakdown in the mountains (then why doesn't he call?) or that Daddy had gone

off to do the Bad Thing。 Danny knew perfectly well what the Bad Thing was since

Scotty Aaronson; who was six months older; had explained it to him。 Scotty knew

because his daddy did the Bad Thing; too。 Once; Scotty told him; his daddy had

punched his mom right in the eye and knocked her down。 Finally; Scotty's dad and

mom had gotten a DIVORCE over the Bad Thing; and when Danny had known him;

Scotty lived with his mother and only saw his daddy on weekends。 The greatest

terror of Danny's life was DIVORCE; a word that always appeared in his mind as a

sign painted in red letters which were covered with hissing; poisonous snakes。

In DIVORCE; your parents no longer lived together。 They had a tug of war over

you in a court (tennis court? badminton court? Danny wasn't sure which or if it

was some other; but Mommy and Daddy had played both tennis and b

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