time too well yet anyway; he was aware of passing time by the lengthening of the
shadows; and by the golden cast that now tinged the afternoon light。
Turning the glider over in his hands; he sang under his breath: 〃Skip to m
Lou; n I don't care 。。。 skip to m Lou; n I don't care 。。。 my master's gone
away 。。。 Lou; Lou; skip to In Lou。。。〃
They had sung that song all together at the Jack and Jill Nursery School he
had gone to back in Stovington。 He didn't go to nursery school out here because
Daddy couldn't afford to send him anymore。 He knew his mother and father worried
about that; worried that it was adding to his loneliness (and even more deeply;
unspoken between them; that Danny blamed them); but he didn't really want to go
to that old Jack and Jill anymore。 It was for babies。 He wasn't quite a big kid
yet; but he wasn't a baby anymore。 Big kids went to the big school and got a hot
lunch。 First grade。 Next year。 This year was someplace between being a baby and
a real kid。 It was all right。 He did miss Scott and Andy…mostly Scott…but it was
still all right。 It seemed best to wait alone for whatever might happen next。
He understood a great many things about his parents; and he knew that many
times they didn't like his understandings and many other times refused to
believe them。 But someday they would have to believe。 He was content to wait。
It was too bad they couldn't believe more; though; especially at times like
now。 Mommy was lying on her bed in the apartment; just about crying she was so
worried about Daddy。 Some of the things she was worried about were too grown…up
for Danny to understand…vague things that had to do with