第6部分(1 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈

was some other; but Mommy and Daddy had played both tennis and badminton at

Stovington; so he assumed it could be either) and you had to go with one of them

and you practically never saw the other one; and the one you were with could

marry somebody you didn't even know if the urge came on them。 The most

terrifying thing about DIVORCE was that he had sensed the word…or concept; or

whatever it was that came to him in his understandings…floating around in his

own parents' heads; sometimes diffuse and relatively distant; sometimes as thick

and obscuring and frightening as thunderheads。 It had been that way after Daddy

punished him for messing the papers up in his study and the doctor had to put

his arm in a cast。 That memory was already faded; but the memory of the DIVORCE

thoughts was clear and terrifying。 It had mostly been around his mommy that

time; and he had been in constant terror that she would pluck the word from her

brain and drag it out of her mouth; making it real。 DIVORCE。 It was a constant

undercurrent in their thoughts; one of the few he could always pick up; like the

beat of simple music。 But like a beat; the central thought formed only the spine

of more plex thoughts; thoughts he could not as yet even begin to interpret。

They came to him only as colors and moods。 Mommy's DIVORCE thoughts centered

around what Daddy had done to his arm; and what had happened at Stovington when

Daddy lost his job。 That boy。 That George Hatfield who got pissed off at Daddy

and put the holes in their bug's feet。 Daddy's DIVORCE thoughts were more

plex; colored dark violet and shot through with frightening veins of pure

black。 He s

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