or a moment while Watson blew his
nose again。
〃You'll find all the tools you need out there and some you don't; I guess。 And
there's the shingles。 Did Ullman tell you about that?〃
〃Yes; he wants part of the west roof reshingled。〃
〃Hell get all the for…free out of you that he can; the fat little prick; and
then whine around in the spring about how you didn't do the job half right。 I
told him once right to his face; I said 。。。〃
Watson's words faded away to a forting drone as they mounted the stairs。
Jack Torrance looked back over his shoulder once into the impenetrable; musty…
smelling darkness and thought that if there was ever a place that should have
ghosts; this was it。 He thought of Grady; locked in by the soft; implacable
snow; going quietly berserk and mitting his atrocity。 Did they scream? he
wondered。 Poor Grady; feeling it close in on him more every day; and knowing at
last that for him spring would never e。 He shouldn't have been here。 And he
shouldn't have lost his temper。
As he followed Watson through the door; the words echoed back to him like a
knell; acpanied by a sharp snap…like a breaking pencil lead。 Dear God; he
could use a drink。 Or a thousand of them。
Danny weakened and went up for his milk and cookies at quarter past four。 He
gobbled them while looking out the window; then went in to kiss his mother; who
was lying down。 She suggested that he stay in and watch 〃Sesame Street〃 — the
time would pass faster — but he shook his head firmly and went back to his place
on the curb。
Now it was five o'clock; and although he didn't have a watch and couldn't tell