第5部分(4 / 7)

小說:The Shining 原版小說 作者:圈圈


〃You know how most of em go? Heart attack or stroke; while they're bangin the

lady they're with。 That's what these resorts get a lot of; old types that want

one last fling。 They e up here to the mountains to pretend they're twenty

again。 Sometimes somethin gives; and not all the guys who ran this place was as

good as Ullman is at keepin it out of the papers。 So the Overlook's got a

reputation; yeah。 I'll bet the fuckin Biltmore in New York City has got a

reputation; if you ask the right people。〃

〃But no ghosts?〃

〃Mr。 Torrance; I've worked here all my life。 I played here when I was a kid no

older'n your boy in that wallet snapshot you showed me。 I never seen a ghost

yet。 You want to e out back with me; I'll show you the equipment shed。〃


As Watson reached up to turn off the light; Jack said; 〃There sure are a lot

of papers down here。〃

〃Oh; you're not kiddin。 Seems like they go back a thousand years。 Newspapers

and old invoices and bills of lading and Christ knows what else。 My dad used to

keep up with them pretty good when we had the old wood…burning furnace; but now

they've got all out of hand。 Some year I got to get a boy to haul them down to

Sidewinder and burn em。 If Ullman will stand the expense。 I guess he will if I

holler ‘rat' loud enough。〃

〃Then there are rats?〃

〃Yeah; I guess there's some。 I got the traps and the poison Mr。 Ullman wants

you to use up in the attic and down here。 You keep a good eye on your boy; Mr。

Torrance。 You wouldn't want nothing to happen to him。〃

〃No; I sure wouldn't。〃 ing from Watson the advice didn't sting。

They went to the stairs and paused there f

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