第22部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

a message from Dan; and?big surprise?it was a poem。 Vanessa read the poem eagerly; grimacing

when she recognized that Dan had put absolutely no effort into it at all。Hot stuff? What was that

all about? And what was up with?I lost my virginity again? ? Who was he fucking kidding?

She hit reply and wrote back:Ha ha。 I laughed。 I cried。 What?s your deal anyway? We?re

supposed to be making a film together; remember?

As she waited for Dan to respond; she logged onto her Secret Admirer page。 To her surprise there

were four messages:

I can?t stop raving about you to all my boyfriends。 No one mixes form with meaning the way

you do; milady。 ?prettyboy

You give this fucked…up world a new kind of beauty。 Keep your freak on。 ?d。

Happy Valentine?s Day to my very special sister on a special day。 ?Ruby Tuesday

Can you make it to Cannes? Let?s talk over coffee in Brooklyn Thurs。 eve? ?the film…maker who

discovered you

Vanessa rolled her eyes as she read the last one。 She appreciated everything Ken Mogul had done

for her; but he hadn?t exactly discovered her。 She?d been there all along。

She clicked on her inbox again but there was no response from Dan so she logged off。 ?See you

later;? she whispered to Jenny; whose big brown eyes were glued to her puter。

?See you;? Jenny replied without looking up。 There were three whole messages on her Secret

Admirer page。

sorry i didn?t get you any candy but i wasn?t sure which kind you like。 let?s get some after

school。 don?t really feel like going home right away anyway。 ?sadgirl

btw; when do you want to finish that painting?? ?me again

Those two were very definitely from Eli

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