第21部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

second chance。 I?m volunteering my services as your alumnus interviewer; and the admissions

office has already agreed to use my write…up when they review your application; instead of the

interview you did back in November。?

Blair was dumbstruck。 A second chance?it was almost too good to be true。 Tired of waiting;

Gianni dropped his scissors on the wheeled cart next to Blair?s chair; snatched the latest issue

ofVogue out of Blair?s lap; and minced away to plain about her to his colleagues。

?So when are you available?? Owen Wells persisted。

Now; Blair wanted to say。 But she couldn?t very well ask Owen to sit and watch Gianni cut her

hair while he asked her all those boring stereotypical interview questions like; Who are the most

influential people in your life?

?Anytime;? she chirped。 Then she realized she shouldn?t soundtoo desperate; not when she was

supposed to be a total whiz kid with an insane schedule。 ?Actually; today is kind of busy for me

and tomorrow might be a little crazy; too。 Wednesday or Thursday after school would be better。?

?I tend to work pretty late; and I?ve got meetings up the wazoo this week; but how about

Thursday night? Around eight…thirty??

?Fine;? Blair responded eagerly。 ?Do you want me to e to your office??

Owen paused。 Blair could hear his office chair creak and she imagined him surveying his

Philippe Starck?designed Tribeca office with its view of New York Harbor; wondering if it was an

appropriate place to meet。 She imagined him tall and blond; with a tennis tan; like her father。 But

Owen Wells would be at least ten years younger than her dad; and so much better looking。 She

wondered if he knew how 

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