第245部分(1 / 7)

n West Valley Land for his supply。 You get sufficient troops to hold Qishan; while Guo Huai and I go to Tianshui and foil the enemy's plan to gather the wheat。〃

So Zhang He took forty thousand troops to hold Qishan; and Sima Yi set out westwards to the West Valley Land。

When Zhuge Liang reached Qishan and had settled his army in camp; he saw that the bank of River Wei had been fortified by his enemy。

〃That must be the work of Sima Yi;〃 remarked Zhuge Liang to his generals。 〃But we have not enough food in camp。 I have written to Li Yan to send grain; but it has not yet arrived。 The wheat in West Valley Land is now just ripe; and we will go and reap it。〃

Leaving Wang Ping; Zhang Ni; Hu Ban; and Wu Yi to guard for the camps; Zhuge Liang; with Wei Yan; Jiang Wei; and several other generals; went over to Lucheng。 The Governor of that city knew he could not offer any real defense; so he opened the gates and yielded。

After calming the people; Zhuge Liang asked; 〃Where is the ripe wheat to be found?〃

The Governor replied; 〃Longshang is the place。〃

So Zhang Yi and Ma Zheng were left to guard the city; and the remainder of the army went to Longshang。

But soon the leading body returned to say; 〃Sima Yi has already occupied that city。〃

〃He guessed what I intended to do!〃 said Zhuge Liang; taken aback。

Zhuge Liang then retired; bathed and put on another dress。 Next he bade them bring out three four…wheeled chariots; all exactly alike; that were among the impedimenta of the army。 They had been built in Shu some time before。

Jiang Wei was told off to lead a thousand troops as escort for one chariot; and five hundred drummers were appointed to acpany it。 The chariot with its escort and drummers was sent aw

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