第244部分(1 / 7)

Said he; 〃After this disgrace; how can I face the other officers in the Middle Land?〃

He gave the signal for the army to fall on and attack the enemy; and; grasping his sword; led his brave generals into the fray and manded the attack。 But just as the two armies came to blows; Guan Xing came up fromt the southwest; his drums rolling and troops shouting; and attacked。 Sima Yi told off a division from the rear to oppose Guan Xing; and again turned to urge on his main body。

Then the army of Wei was thrown into confusion by another attack from Jiang Wei; who came up silently and joined in the battle。 Thus three sides of the Wei army were attacked by three different divisions of the enemy; and Sima Yi decided to retire。 However; this was difficult。 The soldiers of Shu hemmed him in and came closer every moment。 At last; by a desperate push; he cut an alley toward the south and freed his army。 But he had lost six or seven out of every ten of his soldiers。

The Wei army withdrew to the south bank of River Wei and camped。 They strengthened their position and remained entirely on the defensive。

Zhuge Liang mustered his victorious army and returned to Qishan。

Now Li Yan sent an officer; General Gou An; from Baidicheng with a convoy of grain。 Gou An was a drunkard and loitered on the road so that he arrived ten days late。

Zhuge Liang; angry at the delay; upbraided him; saying; 〃This grain is of the utmost importance to the army and you delay it。 Three days' delay ought to mean the death penalty。 What can you say to this delay of ten?〃

Gou An was sentenced to death and hustled out。

But Yang Yi ventured to intervene; saying; 〃Gou An is a servant of Li Yan; and Li Yan has sent large supplies of all sorts from the West River L

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