第213部分(1 / 7)

Meng Huo affected indifference。

〃This sort of fellow is not worth talking about;〃 said he。

He sent General Mangya Chang with three thousands troops to recapture the gorge and reopen the grain road。

When Ma Dai saw the Mang soldiers approaching; he placed two thousand troops in front of the hills and drew up the troops in formal array。 Then Mangya Chang rode out to give battle。 This was but a small engagement; as the general of the tribespeople fell at the first stroke of Ma Dai's sword。 The Mangs ran away at once。

They returned to the King's camp and told him what had happened。 Whereupon he called up all his generals and asked for another to go up against Ma Dai。

〃I will go;〃 cried Dongtu Na。

The King gave him three thousand troops。 After he had gone; Meng Huo thought it would be wise to keep others from crossing the river。 So he sent a force of three thousand under Ahui Nan to guard Shakou。

Dongtu Na duly arrived at the gorge and made a camp。 Ma Dai came out to meet him。 Among the soldiers in his cohort were some who recognized the leader of the Mangs and told Ma Dai certain things about how he had been captured and liberated。

So Ma Dai galloped toward him; shouting; 〃O you ingrate! How could you forget the debt to the Prime Minister? Have you known no shame?〃

Dongtu Na was very greatly ashamed and turned red in the face; and turned his horse before striking a blow。 Ma Dai followed and fell on; slaying many of the Mangs。 Then both sides withdrew。

Dongtu Na went back and told the King that Ma Dai was too strong for him。

But Meng Huo was angry; and cried; 〃You are a traitor! I know Zhuge Liang was good to you; and that is why you would not fight。〃

Meng Huo ordered Dongtu Na out to exe

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