第212部分(1 / 7)

Meng Huo hastily changed his route to go deeper into the mountains; but Zhao Yun's soldiers spread around; and the Mangs could not make a stand。 Here many were captured。 Meng Huo and a few horsemen got away into a valley; which; however; soon became too narrow for the horses to advance。 Meng Huo then left his horse and crawled up the mountains; but very soon he fell upon Wei Yan; who had been sent with five hundred troops to lie in wait in that very valley。 Meng Huo tried to struggle but soon was captured。

The King and his followers were taken to the main camp; where Zhuge Liang was waiting with wine and meat ready for the captives。 But his tent was now guarded by soldiers all well armed with snow…glittering weapons; beside the lictors bearing the golden axes; a present from the Emperor; and other insignia of rank。 The feather…hatted drummers and clarion players were in front and behind; and the Imperial Guards were extended on both sides。 The whole was very imposing and awe…inspiring。

Zhuge Liang was seated at the top of it all and watched the captives as they came forward in crowds。 When they were all assembled; he ordered their bonds to be loosed; and then he addressed them。

〃You are all simple and well…disposed people who have been led into trouble by Meng Huo。 I know your fathers and mothers; your brothers and wives; and your children are anxiously watching from the doorways for your return; and they are cut to dear suffering that the news of defeat and capture has reached their ears。 They are weeping bitter tears for you。 And so I will set you all free to go home and fort them。〃

After they had been given food and wine and a present of grain; he sent them all away。 They went off grateful for the kindness shown them; and they wept as 

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