第143部分(1 / 7)

'e' Pei was a small ancient state; homeland of Liu Bang。

'e' East River Land corresponded to the mountainous region of Hanzhong; which means 〃Within Han〃; or the land of the ancient state of Han。

The fame of these doings penetrated west into Hanzhong; and one of the first to be moved to indignation was Zhang Lu; Governor of Hanning。 This Zhang Lu was a native of Pei*。 He was a grandson of Zhang Ling who retired to Mount Humming; in the East River Land*; where he had posed a work on Taoism for the purpose of deluding the multitude。

Yet all the people respected Zhang Ling; and when he died his son; Zhang Heng; carried on his work; and taught the same doctrines。 Disciples had to pay a fee in rice; five carts。 The people of his day called him the Rice Thief。

After Zhang Heng passed away; his son Zhang Lu followed his step。 Zhang Lu styled himself Master Superior; and his disciples were called monly Devil Soldiers。 A headman was called Libationer; and those who made many converts were called Chief Libationers。 Perfect sincerity was the ruling tenet of the cult; and no deceit was permitted。 When anyone fell ill; an altar was set up and the invalid was taken into the Room of Silence where he could reflect upon his sins and confess openly。 Then he was prayed for。 The director of prayers was called Superintending Libationer。

When praying for a person; they wrote his name and his confession on a slip and made three copies thereof; called 〃The Writing of the Three Gods〃。 One copy was burned on the mountain top as a means of informing Heaven; another was burned to inform Earth; and the third was sunk in water to tell the Controller of the Waters。 If the sick person recovered; he paid as fee five carts of rice。

They had Public Houses of 

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