第142部分(1 / 7)

〃The scheme looks excellent;〃 said Cao Cao。

And he wrote the letter as suggested; and then erased and changed it; after which he sealed it securely and sent it across to Han Sui。

Surely enough someone told Ma Chao about the letter; which increased his doubts; and he came to Han Sui's quarters to ask to see it。 Han Sui gave it to him; and the erasures and alterations struck Ma Chao at once。

〃Why are all these alterations here?〃 asked he。

〃It came like that。 I do not know。〃

〃Does anyone send a rough draft like this? It seems to me; Uncle; that you are afraid I shall know something or other too well; and so you have changed the wording。〃

〃It must be that Cao Cao has sealed up the rough draft by mistake。〃

〃I do not think so。 He is a careful man and would not make such a mistake。 You and I; Uncle; have been allies in trying to slay the rebel。 Why are you turning against me now ?〃

〃If you doubt my word; I will tell you what you can do。 Tomorrow; in full view of the army; I will get Cao Cao to e out and talk。 You can hide in behind the ranks ready to kill me if I am false。〃

〃That being so; I shall know that you are true; Uncle。〃

This arrangement made; next day Han Sui with five generals in his train………Li Kan; Ma Wan; Yang Qiu; Hou Xuan; and Liang Xing………rode to the front; while Ma Chao concealed himself behind the great standard。 Han Sui sent over to say that he wished to speak to the Prime Minister。

Thereupon at his mand; Cao Hong; with a train of ten horsemen rode out; advanced straight to Han Sui; leaned over to him and said; loudly enough to be heard plainly; 〃Last night the Prime Minister quite understood。 Let there be no mistake。〃

Then without another word on either side Cao Hong rode

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