第183部分(1 / 7)

covered their eyes and turned pale。 But Guan Yu went on with his game; only drinking a cup of wine now and again; and his face betrayed no sign of pain。

When the wound had been cleansed; sewn up and dressed; the patient stood up smiling and said; 〃This arm is now as good as it ever was。 There is no pain。 Indeed; Master; you are a marvel。〃

〃I have spent my life in the art;〃 said Hua Tuo; 〃but I have never seen such a patient as you; Sir。 You are as if not from the earth but heaven。〃

Here as surgeons; there physicians; all boast their skill;

Bitter few are those that cure one when one's really ill。

As for superhuman valor rivals Guan Yu had none;

So for holy touch in healing Hua Tuo stood alone。

When the cure was well advanced; Guan Yu gave a fine banquet in honor of Hua Tuo and offered him a fee of a hundred ounces of gold。

But Hua Tuo declined it; saying; 〃I had e to treat you; O General; from admiration of your great virtue and not for money。 Although your wound is cured; you must be careful of your health; and especially avoid all excitement for a hundred days; when you will be as well as ever you were。〃

Then Hua Tuo; having prepared dressings for the wound; took his leave; refusing fees to the very last。

Having captured Yu Jin and acplished the death of Pang De; Guan Yu became more famous and more fear…inspiring through the empire than even before。 Cao Cao called together his advisers to help him decide upon what he should do。

Said Cao Cao; 〃I must acknowledge this Guan Yu as the one man who; in skill and valor; overtops the whole world。 Lately he has obtained possession of Jingzhou and the territory near it; and has so bee very terrible。 He is a tiger with wings added。 Pang De is no mor

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