第182部分(1 / 7)


After that he went to capture Pang De; who was standing on a hillock with Dong Heng; Dong Chao; Cheng He; and his five hundred troops; all without armors。 Pang De saw his archenemy approach without a sign of fear; and even went boldly to meet him。 Guan Yu surrounded the party with his boats; and the archers began to shoot。 When more than half the troops had been struck down; the survivors became desperate。

Dong Heng and Dong Chao pressed their chief to give in; saying; 〃We have lost more than half of our men。 Surrender is the only course!〃

But Pang De only raged; saying; 〃I have received great kindness from the Prince。 Think you that I will bow the head to any other?〃

Pang De cut down Dong Heng and Dong Chao right in the battlefield and then shouted; 〃Anyone who says surrender shall be as these two!〃

So the survivors made a desperate effort to beat off their enemies; and they held their own up to midday。 Then Guan Yu's marines redoubled their efforts; and the arrows and stones rained down upon the defenders; who fought desperately hand to hand with their assailants。

〃The valorous leader fears death less than desertion; the brave warrior does not break faith to save his life!〃 cried Pang De。 〃This is the day of my death; but I will fight on to the last。 And you; General; should fight to your end; too。〃

So Cheng He pressed on till he fell into the water by an arrow of Guan Yu; and then the soldiers yielded。

Pang De fought on。 Then one of the boats happened to close in to the bank。 With a tremendous leap Pang De lighted on it and slashed at the marines; killing ten of them。 The others jumped overboard and swam away。 Then Pang De one hand still holding his sword; tried to maneuver the boat across the river to F

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