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小說:hp之教母天下` 作者:圈圈

e Princess and the Pea)穿靴子的貓 (Puss…in…Boots)長髮姑娘 (Rapunzel)爛皮兒踩高蹺皮兒 (Rumpelstiltskin)睡美人 (Sleeping Beauty)彼得兔的故事 (The Tale of Peter Rabbit)為什麼貓頭鷹有雙大眼睛 (Why the Owl Has Big Eyes)戲劇 (Drama)狼來了:戲劇(The Boy Who Cried Wolf: A Drama)日常俗話 (Family Saying)一天一蘋果,醫生不上門 (An apple a day keeps the doctor away。)己所欲,施與人 (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you。) (注:這是西方諺語)正中要害 (Hit the nail on the head。)一次不成功,努力再努力 (If at first you don't succeed; try; try again。)挪得之地 (Land of Nod。) (東昇注:引申為“夢鄉”)讓那隻貓從口袋裡出來 (Let the cat out of the bag。) (實際意思是:在不小心的情況下瀉露了秘密)多多益善 (The more the merrier。)今天能做的事今天做 (Never leave till tomorrow what you can do today。)熟能生巧 (Practice makes perfect。)沒有比家更好的地方 (There's no place like home。)——————————————————————————————————————————歷史和地理書目——————————————————————————————————————————書名:歷史和地理 (History and Geography)目錄(Introduction)世界歷史和地理 (World History and Geography)歷史:每個人的故事 (History: everyone's Story)冰川時代:人類在遷移 (The Ice Age: Humans on the Move)埃及:尼羅河的禮物 (Egypt: Gift of the Nile)異想天開的法老和不可思議的遺蹟(Fantastic Pharaohs and Marvelous Monuments)象形文字:用圖畫寫字 (Hieroglyphics: Picture Writing)沿尼羅河而下 (A Journey Down the Nile)法老王圖特的寶藏 (The Treasures of King Tut)兩河流域 … 又一個禮物 (Mesopotamia … Another Gift)什麼是金字神塔?(What's a Ziggurat?)一個領袖和法律 (A Leader and the Laws)宗教:不同人的不同信仰 (Religions: What Different People Believe)猶太教 (Judaism)摩西的故事 (The Story of Moses)基督教 (Christianity)第一個聖誕(The First Christmas)基督教師:好撒馬利亞人的寓言(Jesus the Teacher: The Parable of the Good Samaritan)復活節 (Easter)伊斯蘭教 (Islam)英國曆史和地理 (American History and Geography)過大陸橋 (Crossing the Land Bridge)霧中的城市:倫敦 (Cities in the Frog: The London)山中的城市:愛丁堡(City in the Mountains: The Edinburgh)雲中的城市:北愛爾蘭 (Cities in the Clouds: The Northern IrelandUnited Kingdom)公元前(B。C。)羅馬的統治(The Reign of Rome)人侵者——盎格魯…撒克遜(The Invaders——Anglo Sax

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