第20部分(7 / 7)

 his head; 〃it is a terrible sort of madness this。〃

〃Ah! now I understand that the very thought of him must have terrified poor little Nell; and also I see that she could not bear to denounce her grandfather。 What a miserable time she must have had of it with the old man!〃

〃Miserable with a vengeance;〃 replied Simon; 〃between that savage and his owl; as savage as himself。 Depend upon it; that bird isn't dead。 That was what put our lamp out; and also so nearly cut the rope by which Harry and Nell were suspended。〃

〃And then; you see;〃 said Madge; 〃this news of the marriage of our son with his granddaughter added to his rancor and ill…will。〃

〃To be sure;〃 said Simon。 〃To think that his Nell should marry one of the robbers

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