第21部分(1 / 7)

and ill…will。〃

〃To be sure;〃 said Simon。 〃To think that his Nell should marry one of the robbers of his own coal mine would just drive him wild altogether。〃

〃He will have to make up his mind to it; however;〃 cried Harry。 〃Mad as he is; we shall manage to convince him that Nell is better off with us here than ever she was in the caverns of the pit。 I am sure; Mr。 Starr; if we could only catch him; we should be able to make him listen to reason。〃

〃My poor Harry! there is no reasoning with a madman;〃 replied the engineer。 〃Of course it is better to know your enemy than not; but you must not fancy all is right because we have found out who he is。 We must be on our guard; my friends; and to begin with; Harry; you positively must question Nell。 She will perceive that her silence is no longer reasonable。 Even for her grandfather's own interest; she ought to speak now。 For his own sake; as well as for ours; these insane plots must be put a stop to。〃

〃I feel sure; Mr。 Starr;〃 answered Harry; 〃that Nell will of herself propose to tell you what she knows。 You see it was from a sense of duty that she has been silent hitherto。 My mother was very right to take her to her room just now。 She much needed time to recover her spirits; but now I will go for her。〃

〃You need not do so; Harry;〃 said the maiden in a clear and firm voice; as she entered at that moment the room in which they were。 Nell was very pale; traces of tears were in her eyes; but her whole manner showed that she had nerved herself to act as her loyal heart dictated as her duty。

〃Nell!〃 cried Harry; springing towards her。

The girl arrested her lover by a gesture; and continued; 〃Your father and mother; and you; Harry; must now know all。 And you too; Mr。 Starr; must

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