第15部分(3 / 7)

nded in many places beneath the sonorous vaults of New Aberfoyle。 Harry and Nell left the cottage; and slowly walked along the left bank of Loch Malcolm。

Then the electric brilliance darted less vividly; and the rays were interrupted with fantastic effect by the sharp angles of the picturesque rocks which supported the dome。 This imperfect light suited Nell; to whose eyes a glare was very unpleasant。

〃Nell;〃 said Harry; 〃your eyes are not fit for daylight yet; and could not bear the brightness of the sun。〃

〃Indeed they could not;〃 replied the girl; 〃if the sun is such as you describe it to me; Harry。〃

〃I cannot by any words; Nell; give you an idea either of his splendor or of the beauty of that universe which your eyes have never beheld。 But tell me; is it really possible that; since the day when you were born in the depths of the coal mine; you never once have been up to the surface of the earth?〃

〃Never once; Harry;〃 said she; 〃I do not believe that; even as an infant; my father or mother ever carried me thither。 I am sure I should have retained some impression of the open air if they had。〃

〃I believe you would;〃 answered Harry。 〃Long ago; Nell; many children used to live altogether in the mine; munication was then difficult; and I have met with more than one young person; quite as ignorant as you are of things above…ground。 But now the railway through our great tunnel takes us in a few minutes to the upper regions of our country。 I long; Nell; to hear you say; 'e; Harry; my eyes can bear daylight; and I want to see the sun! I want to look upon the works of the Almighty。'〃

〃I shall soon say so; Harry; I hope;〃 replied the girl; 〃I shall soon go with you to the world above; and yet……〃

〃What are you going to sa

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