veral nights in the thickets of brushwood which clothed the hill…side。
Nothing was discovered……no human being emerged from the opening。 So most people came to the conclusion that the villains had been finally dislodged from the mine; and that; as to Nell; they must suppose her to be dead at the bottom of the shaft where they had left her。
While it remained unworked; the mine had been a safe enough place of refuge; secure from all search or pursuit。 But now; circumstances being altered; it became difficult to conceal this lurking…place; and it might reasonably be hoped they were gone; and that nothing for the future was to be dreaded from them。
James Starr; however; could not feel sure about it; neither could Harry be satisfied on the subject; often repeating; 〃Nell has clearly been mixed up with all this secret business。 If she had nothing more to fear; why should she keep silence? It cannot be doubted that she is happy with us。 She likes us all…… she adores my mother。 Her absolute silence as to her former life; when by speaking out she might benefit us; proves to me that some awful secret; which she dares not reveal; weighs on her mind。 It may also be that she believes it better for us; as well as for herself; that she should remain mute in a way otherwise so unaccountable。〃
In consequence of these opinions; it was agreed by mon consent to avoid all allusion to the maiden's former mode of life。 One day; however; Harry was led to make known to Nell what James Starr; his father; mother; and himself believed they owed to her interference。
It was a fete…day。 The miners made holiday on the surface of the county of Stirling as well as in its subterraneous domains。 Parties of holiday…makers were moving about in all directions。 Songs resou