第16部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 12 終結 作者:天淨沙

After Dan had kicked her out of the Humphreys’ last year; Vanessa had felt lost and heartbroken。 Not to mention very; very guilty。 Everything with Hollis had happened so quickly; she didn’t really have time to think about it; they had kissed once; and then they had kissed again; and then suddenly there was Dan; watching it all happen。 After he told Vanessa that he never wanted to see her again; a tiny part of her had died。 But there was nothing she could do to change what had happened。 She had to look forward; not back。 With nowhere else to turn; she’d called Hollis。 They’d slowly gotten to know each other over long nights of falafel; cheap red wine; and Vanessa with no place to crash except Hollis’s bed。

For the last year; she’d spent most nights at Hollis’s Alphabet City apartment。 But technically she resided in a curtained…off corner of the living room of a Bushwick apartment with Mackenzie and Rhiannon; two girls from NYU。 It was a far cry from what she now called home: an eighteen…hundred…square…foot glass and exposed…brick apartment with its own elevator; black…stained wood floors; and a winding staircase that connected a sleeping loft to the sprawling main living area。 It was incredible。 She and Hollis had been planning to move in together after her lease was up on December 31; but she hadn’t expected an apartment so…

“It’s so big here;” Vanessa said; her voice echoing off the still…bare walls。 Hollis had hired a decorator to furnish the apartment with the basics; but neither of them had put up any artwork yet。 She couldn’t wait to find cool prints and stills together to put on the walls; and really make it their own。 For now; she just wanted to run around the loft in her socks。 Because she could。

That’s one way to dial down the maturity 

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