第15部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 12 終結 作者:天淨沙

ll player who I know for a fact always defaces our womyn’s center posters。 Should I stage an intervention?


a: Dear Still Love;

I’m sorry to hear about your romantic woes; but if your ex is just a bug to you; then maybe she wasn’t worth it to begin with。 Instead of postering for the womyn’s center; post a personal ad。 Who knows what will happen!


q: Dear Gossip Girl;

There’s a guy in my poetry class who’s that tortured; soulful type—the kind of guy who’s too busy being an artist to even think about things like food。 I’ve only seen him ingest instant coffee and cigarettes; which I think is cute; but my suitemates find creepy。 What do you think?


a: Dear HFS;

Sounds like this particular soul may be in mourning for a muse。 My advice: Tortured artists rarely make stable partners。 Instead; find a happy…go…lucky munications major and read poetry to each other。


ready; set; go… again

One of the best things about being in school is the opportunity to have two fresh starts a year。 There’s September; with the new housing assignments; new books; and new professors; it’s the start of the academic year。 But January 1 is a golden do…over opportunity。 And some of us just might need a do…over。 Here’s to second chances。

You know you love me;

gossip girl

you never can say goodbye

“You okay; son?” Captain Archibald placed a firm hand on Nate’s shoulder outside All Souls Church on Lexington Avenue。 Around them; patrons were spilling out of the church onto the cold stone steps。 White lilies were set up around the entrance of the church as if for a celebration; not a funeral。

“I’m fine;” Nate muttered; though he was anything but fine。 His Br

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