第3部分(1 / 7)

my special friend; Cyrus Rose;” she said。 “Cyrus; this is Serena。”

“Stunning;” Cyrus Rose boomed。 He kissed Serena on both cheeks;

and hugged her a little too tightly。 “She’s a good hugger; too;”

Cyrus added; patting Serena on the hip。

Serena giggled; but she didn’t flinch。 She’d spent a lot of time in

Europe in the past two years; and she was used to being hugged by

harmless; horny European gropers who found her pletely

irresistible。 She was a full…on groper magnet。

“Serena and Blair are best; best; best friends;” Eleanor Waldorf

explained to Cyrus。 “But Serena went away to Hanover Academy in

eleventh grade and spent this summer traveling。 It was so hard for

poor Blair with you gone this past year; Serena;” Eleanor said;

growing misty…eyed。 “Especially with the divorce。 But you’re back

now。 Blair will be so pleased。”

“Where is she?” Serena asked eagerly; her perfect; pale skin

glowing pink with the prospect of seeing her old friend again。 She

stood on tip…toe and craned her head to look for Blair; but she soon

found herself surrounded by parents—the Archibalds; the Coateses;

the Basses; and Mr。 Farkas—who each took turns kissing her and

weling her back。

Serena hugged them happily。 These people were home to her; and

she’d been gone a long time。 She could hardly wait for life to return

to the way it used to be。 She and Blair would walk to school

together; spend Double Photography in Sheep Meadow in Central

Park; lying on their backs; taking pictures of pigeons and clouds;

smoking and drinking Coke and feeling like hard…core artistes。 They

would have cocktails at the Star Lounge in the Tri

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