第2部分(1 / 7)

heading; and that it wasn’t a movie after all; it was real。 So; like a

good girl; she sat up and made Nate stop。

She’d kept on making him stop right on up until today。 Only two

nights ago; Nate had e over after a party with a half…drunk flask

of brandy in his pocket and had lain down on her bed and

murmured; “I want you; Blair。” Once again; Blair had wanted to

scream and jump on top of him; but she resisted。 Nate fell asleep;

snoring softly; and Blair lay down next to him and imagined that she

and Nate were starring in a movie in which they were married and

he had a drinking problem; but she would stand by him always and

love him forever; even if he occasionally wet the bed。

Blair wasn’t trying to be a tease; she just wasn’t ready。 She and

Nate had barely seen each other at all over the summer because

she had gone to that horrible boot camp of a tennis school in North

Carolina; and Nate had gone sailing with his father off the coast of

Maine。 Blair wanted to make sure that after spending the whole

summer apart they still loved each other as much as ever。 She had

wanted to wait to have sex until her seventeenth birthday next


But now she was through with waiting。

Nate was looking better than ever。 The moss…green sweater had

turned his eyes a dark; sparkling green; and his wavy brown hair

was streaked with golden blond from his summer on the ocean。

And; just like that; Blair knew she was ready。 She took another sip of

her scotch。 Oh; yes。 She was definitely ready。

“What are you two talking about?” Blair’s mother asked; sidling up

to Nate and squeezing Cyrus’s hand。

“Sex;” Cyru

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