第9部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 9 英文 作者:白寒

in。 We could order sushi。?

Ignoring Chuck?s pathetic; lonely offer; Nate retrieved his bike from the trunk and trudged up the

driveway。 He needed to clear his head。

He also needs to learn not to believe everything he hears。 (Not that we don?t all make that

mistake from time to time。)

s follows in audrey?s footsteps。 literally。

Serena stepped out of a flaming yellow taxi onto a crowded stretch of Fifth Avenue; wearing a

simple black shift and a pair of enormous sunglasses; courtesy of the designer Bailey Winter。 She

was in costume?even Serena wouldn?t prance around the city in the middle of the day in a cocktail

dress? rehearsing the opening scene of the movie。 Holly had to peer into the display windows of

the famous jewelry store Tiffany and pany while eating breakfast after a long night out; just

like Audrey Hepburn did in the original movie。

Gripping a takeout cup of coffee and brown paper bag full of pastries provided by the prop

department; Serena strolled primly toward the elegant building; counting the steps to her…self;

slowly and deliberately。One;two;three;four。

?Watch it;? barked a suited businessman; brushing by her as he snarled into a cell phone。

?Sorry;? Serena mumbled; feeling flustered。 She walked back to the curb; turned around; and

retraced her steps。 She tried to keep her back perfectly straight; the way Ken had instructed her to;

but she had to focus on making a direct path to the store; too; which was nearly impossible

because there were so many people around。 She finally made it; but the windows were pletely

blocked out by tourists; frantically snapping pictures of the window displays。 That was


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