第8部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 9 英文 作者:白寒

in the Hamptons for a while; yet?I usually wait until theFourth of July to hunker down for the

season?but I?ve beengetting reports about some intriguing activity out on the island。 Imight have

to check it out myself。 It?s so hard to be me: howcan I be in two places?or three or four or five?at

once? Notthat I?ve ever had a problem with it before。

summer survival guide

I?m not going to name names?unusual for me; I know?butthere are plenty of repeat offenders out

there。 So as a refresher course; here?s everything you need to know about:

1) Tanning

Obviously; the real thing is best。 If Mother Nature isn?t plying; airbrushing is acceptable; but

remember; whether poolside or in that little spray chamber; you must go naked: tan lines are a

turn…off。 And remember to wax two days before and exfoliate! Your streaks and splotches aren?t

fooling anyone。

2) Brows

For starters; you know you?re supposed to have two; right? Now put down the tweezers。 No;

throw them away。 Go see my friend Reese at Bergdorf?s ASAP。 And I don?t want to hear any

plaining about how it?s 45 per brow。

3) Waxing

It?s bathing suit season; so landscaping isn?t optional。 If you?re going to be wearing that Eres

bikini; we?re all going to get a show。 Personally; I endorse the traditional Brazilian (no pain; no

gain)。 And while I?ve been known to opt for a precious little Swarovski crystal appliqu? tattoo;

there really is no need to gild the lily; is there?

your e…mail


Dear GG;

I heard there?s a pretty racy film making the rounds on theInternet; and it proves that a certain

someone has been ina movie before。 It was shot on location in Ce

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