: Whassup?
Nate dawg!
Looks like it?s going to be you and me next year; dawg。 And you know our room will be the
place to be for all the hot bitches。 I can?t wait to get me some of that Ivy League tail?some kinky
librarian shit。 Yeeeeeeh; dawg!
Truth is; dawg; I won?t be round the crib too much this fall; so you can hit the library honeys in
peace。 What up! See; I?m a swimmer and coach makes us eat; like; all of our meals together and
practice until players start dying。 Seriously。 And if that ain?t enough; there are all sorts of wicked
brutal pranks and shit the seniors pull on us freshies。 It?s going to be gnarly。
So here?s the dizzle: you get the girls through November; and then you?re going to have to fork
over some of those hotties。 Hook it up; dawg!
Holla back;
TO: trentdawg_87@gmail。
FROM: narchibald@stjudes。edu
Subject: re: Whassup?
Hey T;
Enjoy the single; dude?I?m not ing。
Nate (dawg)
it?s a family affaaaaaair
Dan sat on the lumpy brown leather sofa; resting his arms on his knees and staring pensively at
the night sky framed by the open window。 The cool thing about the city was that the sky was never
really totally dark?the glare of streetlights cast a glow on the whole city no matter what time it
was?so that even if you were awake at say; three in the morning; like he was now; you didn?t feel
so lonely。 Dan was usually forted by the city lights and sounds of people out and about; but
tonight it was having the opposite effect?it was as if everyone else was out doing something fun
while he was stuck here all alone。 His mom and dad had gone to bed at nine…thirty after d