第13部分(2 / 7)

r who?d mistaken her for a guy could see her now?he?d beg for forgiveness。

So what if Dan; the guy she?d thought was the love of her life; only liked her for her bald head?

She was as much of a woman as anyone else in here。 And now she freakinglooked like it。

?What?s up; hot stuff?? the bartender purred; grabbing her by the waist; pulling her close。 The

crowd went wild; cheering and whooping with raucous; liquor…soaked shouts。

?Hey baby!? A guy up front tried to get Vanessa?s attention while someone else shouted; ?Shake

it; girl!? Vanessa shook her hips and two…stepped her way down the slick surface of the bar;

winking at frat guys and flipping her long blond hair as she went。 Okay; so maybe this wasn?t the

most mature way to deal with Dan rejecting her; but hearing all the encouraging whoops and

hollers sure as hell felt therapeutic。

Sothat?s what thoseGirls Gone Wild videos are about?healing。 As if!

A drunken guy with a blond buzz cut held out a fistful of dollar bills in his hand; gesturing to her

and shouting loudly。 Without a moment?s thought; Vanessa bent at the waist and grabbed the

sleeve of his blue Abercrombie T…shirt; pulling him closer as if she were about to kiss him。 Then

she grabbed a pitcher of water from behind the bar and dumped it over the poor guy?s head。 She

wasn?t just doing this for herself?she was doing it for girls with gay ex…boyfriends everywhere。

The crowd went wild; screaming and cheering; and through her alcoholic haze Vanessa could

hear her sister?s drunken voice holler over the din?

?Yeah! That?s mysister !? Aw。Wouldn?t mom be proud?

FROM: trentdawg_87@yahoo。

TO: narchibald@st。judes。edu


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