第7部分(1 / 7)

and possibly hoping that she?d make a dumb…blond; spoiled…starlet mistake?that made her feel

quivery inside。 She?d grown up having people look at and talk about her; but this was the first

time anyone had asked for her own original thoughts。


?Which college; Serena?? another reporter yelled out; startling her from her moment of reverie。

?I?m heading to Yale on Sunday; actually;? she replied; a bit more confidently than she actually

felt。 She pushed her hair off her shoulders and continued。 ?I just want to be a normal girl for a

while。You know; go to school; be like everyone else。? As if that were evenremotely possible。

?Normal girl? Ha! Not if I can help it!? a deep male voice rang out。 Reporters turned to see Ken

Mogul making his way toward the terrace through the suite; balancing a bottle of champagne and

two crystal champagne flutes in his hands。 His bulging blue eyes looked like they might rocket out

of his face; and his shoulder…length; curly red hair had been smoothed down and pulled into a low

ponytail。 He was trailed by Jade; who towered over him in her ridiculously high gold snakeskin

Jimmy Choos。 Just when it seemed he was going to take a seat; Ken jumped onto the outdoor

coffee table which was covered with champagne glasses; sending them crashing。

Serena shook her head slightly; feeling a little dazed。 Between the constant snap and glitter of

flashbulbs; the champagne; the close proximity of Thad; and now this weird performance; her

head was spinning and she felt like she needed to go back into the AC。

Little Miss Demanding。 She really is being a Hollywood star!

From his high perch; Ken poured Serena a flute of Veuve Cli

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