第6部分(1 / 7)

up with some meaningful; epic fuckinglove poem about those two morons。? ?Thanks;? Dan

mumbled sarcastically。 ?You?ve filled me with confidence。? He turned over to face her; wanting to

look at her even though she was turned away。 He could hear the small; quiet sound of her

breathing in the dark room and could feel the warmth of her almost…naked body。 She was always

so warm at night。 The ridiculously soft skin of her bare arm grazed his。 One of the things he?d

always loved about Vanessa?s body were its contrasts?her stubbly scalp next to the softness of her

skin。 The pillowy feel of her lips and cheeks 。 。 。 Dan smiled and moved ever so slightly closer to

her warm; sleepy flesh。

Vanessa felt Dan?s hot breath tickle her neck as he lay inches from her on the bed。 Being in such

close quarters with him when all her hopes had been so recently dashed was killing her。 ?So;

how?s Greg?? she asked softly; hoping the note of rejection in her voice wasn?t as clear to him as

it sounded to her。 She moved toward the edge of the bed; shifting so that her left foot hung off the

side。 Anything to escape the torture of feeling Dan?s skin on hers。

?Umm 。 。 。 he?s fine;? Dan mumbled。 Greg。 Right。 His boyfriend。 As Vanessa inched further and

further away from him on the bed; it became obvious that she wanted nothing to do with him。 And

why should she? He was a confused pink…disco…suit…wearing; cream…puff…eating;

gay…poem…reading idiot who still seemed to be in love with his ex…girlfriend despite the fact that

every person in his life had apparently been waiting for him to e out since he learned to use

the potty。 Dan sighed and flipped over onto his back dejectedly;

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