第5部分(1 / 7)

you say? Small?? He gestured with his hands to indicate someone short。

Vanessa nodded; taking a sip of the dark beer。 ?You mean when she was a little girl?? ?Yes!?

Piotr said with relief。 ?Little girl。 Anyway; she tell me how she and you??he pointed at Vanessa

with his full glass??make tea party with apple juice?? She burst out laughing; trying not to spit a

mouthful of

Guinness all over the table。 That wasnot what she?d been expecting Piotr to say。 She remembered

how she and Ruby used to play dress…up in their mother?s closet for hours; putting together

outrageous ensembles of feathers; beads; and long; tie…dyed hippie dresses before sitting down at

the kitchen table to drink Red Cheek apple juice from their mother?s special china cups。 They?d

sit there for hours; talking in fake British accents and giggling as they said things like ?Pass the

bloody crumpets!? and ?Hand me me bloomin? bloomers!? even though that one didn?t even

make sense。

?So; I look all day;? Piotr continued; refilling his and Vanessa?s now…empty glasses; ?for antique

tea set for her; and I finally find one this afternoon。? He looked up worriedly; his forehead a mass

of wrinkles。 ?You think she will like?? Vanessa looked at the concern in Piotr?s blue eyes; the love

that was so obviously there for her sister; and something inside her melted。 He obviously loved

Ruby?only a guy in love would run around New York all day to find a freaking tea set。

?Yes。? Vanessa nodded; raising her camera to her face and pointing it toward the stage to check

the exposure; but mostly to hide the fact that she was touched。 ?I think she will likevery much。?

Seeing Piotr so obviously in lo

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