第3部分(2 / 7)

ndi boots? I?ve never

seen your mom that mad before。? Blair laughed; moving slightly closer to Serena on the steps。 Her

anger was slowly dissolving。 If Serena would just confess about that fucking love letter; Blair

could just forgive her and they could move on。 With her family turning on her; she really needed

her best friend。

?Can I bum a smoke?? Blair eyed Serena?s slouchy black leather Gucci bag。 Serena nodded and

pulled out her pack of Gauloises; handing one to her。 Even though she?d brought her own Merit

Ultra Lights; Blair decided that with Yale ing up so soon; she?d better start smoking a more

serious brand of cigarettes。

Doesn?t she mean more pretentious?

A horde of little kids dressed in shorts and T…shirts stumbled up the steps; holding onto a long

piece of red rope。 Blair watched as the kids struggled to make it to the top of the steps; yelling and

laughing; all moving together in a group。 She remembered how in first grade; for whatever

ridiculous reason; everyone in her class had decided that she had cooties。 Serena was the only one

who would talk to her。 And then; of course; as soon as she had accepted Blair; everyone else had

been quick to follow。 Serena never had trouble finding people to worship her and copy her every

move; even back when they could barely form sentences。

Serena exhaled a cloud of sweetly scented smoke。 ?Sometimes I can?t believe we were ever that


Like they?re so ancient now。

?Iknow 。? Blair pushed her glossy dark hair off her shoulders。 ?I can?t believe we?re going to

college in a week。? She looked at the group of kids again。 Two girls were fighting over a place on

the red rop

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