第3部分(1 / 7)

knew about them。

That makes sense。

?Uh…huh;? Serena replied excitedly。 ?Look atthese。 ? She pulled some old photos from her bag

and handed them to Blair。

Blair stared down at the picture of Nate sleeping; the words BUCK NAKED scrawled across his

adolescent; scrawny chest in black magic marker。 She?d written the ?BUCK? part; and Serena?s

wavy script had filled in the ?NAKED??they hadn?t even talked about it; they?d just had the exact

same thought at the exact same time。 Blair laughed; running her fingers over the slick surface of

the photograph。 ?I can?t believe you found this! What were we; like; thirteen? We were so

freaking immature!? They looked so innocent; lying there with Nate between them。 Blair smiled;

suddenly feeling nostalgic。 The Three Musketeers?that?s what their parents had called them since

grade school; a cluster of adults shaking their heads and smiling as Serena and Blair tackled Nate

in their various living rooms; sitting on top of him until he screamed。

Sounds like a dream e true。

?Oh my God。? Blair turned to face Serena and pushed her sunglasses up on top of her head。

Some girl?s art portfolio nearly slapped Blair as the girl hurried up the stone steps。 ?Remember in

seventh grade when we all drank a bottle of champagne; and Nate had to go out to dinner with his

dad afterwards; totally tipsy?? Serena laughed as she stuffed the photos back into her bag。 ?How

could I forget? And remember how we went back to your house and tried to make brownies?

Except we were both so uncoordinated we spilled the batter all over the floor; and then Kitty

Minky ate it and threw up in your mom?s closet?all over her new pair of Fe

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