TONY BENN,工黨候選人,1945年:1945年夏天我坐軍隊的船回來,我是皇家空軍的一名飛行員。19歲的我被推選為工黨候選人。所有的戰士都說:“再也不會了。我們再也不會失業,不會有大蕭條,不會有法西斯主義,也不會重整軍備了。我們想要建設一個新社會。”
NARRATOR: During the dark war years; Britain had been governed by a coalition of conservatives and socialists。 Winston Churchill; the great wartime leader and head of the Conservative Party; expected an easy victory。 Everywhere he went; huge crowds turned out to cheer the nation's hero。
旁白:在黑暗的戰爭年代,英國由保守黨和社會主義者共同統治。溫斯頓 ?邱吉爾-偉大的戰時領導人和保守黨領袖預期將很輕鬆地贏得勝利。無論他去到哪裡,都有無數人為這位國家英雄歡呼。
Heading the campaign against Churchill was Clement Attlee; leader of the Labor Party。 Attlee argued that Britain had planned the war; and now planning would win the peace。
BARBARA CASTLE; Labor MP; 1945…1979: We knew that our people would never have withstood the bombardments and the loss of life and the hardship if they hadn't been confident that their government was operating a policy of fair shares。 We set out to ensure that this system of fair shares and the planning and controls continued after the war。
BARBARA CASTLE,工黨下院議員,1945-1979年:我們知道如果不是人民確信政府正實行公平參與地政策,那麼他們決不會經得住炮轟、死亡和困難。我們宣佈保證這個公平參與的體制以及計劃和控制在戰後仍會繼續。
NARRATOR: Churchill; who was influenced by Hayek's book The Road to Serfdom; opposed planning and controls。
WINSTON CHURCHILL: No socialist system can be established without a political police; some form of Gestapo。
RALPH HARRIS; Institute of Economic Affairs; 1957…1987: He got carried away with this Gestapo。 And this; of course; was carrying things to absurdity …… Gestapo in Britain!
RALPH HARRIS,經濟問題研究所,1957-1987年:他陶醉於這個蓋世太保論,而這當然把事情引向了謬