第6部分(1 / 6)

小說:制高點 作者:九十八度


KARL OTTO POHL: Ludwig Erhard; a legendary man; he decided; without asking anybody and against the will of the American occupation powers; he decided to give up all price controls。

KARL OTTO POHL:在沒有徵求任何人意見和違背美國佔領當局的意願的情況下,路德維希?埃哈德這位傳奇人物決定廢除所有價格控制。

NARRATOR: Next day; Gen。 Lucius Clay; the man in charge of occupied Germany; demanded to know what Erhard thought he was doing。


ALFRED BOSCH: Clay said; "What have you done? You have changed the Allied price controls。" Erhard replied; "Herr General; I haven't changed them; I've abolished them。" And Clay said; "My advisors tell me it is a big mistake。" Erhard replied; "Herr General; my advisors tell me the same thing。"

ALFRED BOSCH:克萊說:“你做了什麼?你改動了盟國的價格控制。”埃哈德回答說:“將軍先生,我沒有改動他們,我廢除了他們。”克萊說:“我的顧問告訴我這是一個大錯誤。”埃哈德又回答到:“將軍先生,我自己的顧問也這麼說。”

NARRATOR: Overnight the black market disappeared。 People stopped hoarding; and goods not seen for 10 years went on sale。


MILTON FRIEDMAN: It started the markets working; with free prices。 Instead of nothing being in the windows of the shops; everything started to e up。 And that began the German economic miracle。


NARRATOR: Germany's "social market economy" bined free markets with a strong welfare state。 Within a few years; Germany's social market economy overtook Britain's more planned economy。


But back then; nobody wanted to model themselves on Germany。 Most countries preferre

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