第12部分(6 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 10 英文 作者:古詩樂

 lips and

Punches in the gut

Blind corners turned and now I am nowhere。。。。

His poetic free association was interrupted when an over…size book slipped off his cart。 He bent

over to pick it up; reading the title:Everything You?ve Always Wanted to Know (Go Ahead; Admit

It!) About Gay Sex by Melvin Lloyd and Dr。 Stephen Furman。

The line drawing on the glossy cover showed two male forms embracing chastely。 Like brothers。

Or baseball players after a game。 Totally normal。 Glancing around to see if any…one was near?as

usual; no one was interested in the travel guides to New Zealand published in the 1970s?Dan

opened the book; whistling all casual…like。

Nice try。

The slick pages slipped through his fingers; revealing more line drawings of two muscular

fellows in various embraces; arms and tongues positioned here and there。 There were a number of

bullet points and lists of dos and don?ts。 He skimmed the book; heart pounding; taking in only

snatches of phrases like ?Insert your tongue? and ?Some partners find the use of an elbow helpful?

and ?Remember to brush your teeth。?

Pausing again to make sure that he was alone; Dan skipped ahead to the back of the book; where

the heavier paper stock meant only one thing: photographs。 And there they were; in full…color

glory: two men; performing what at first glance looked like a gymnastic routine。

Dan?s throat suddenly felt very dry。 He slammed the book shut and stuffed it on the very bottom

of his pile。 He?d never needed a cigarette this badly in his life。

Breathe; breathe。

Shaking slightly; Dan inhaled deeply on a beloved Camel and stepped away from the Strand。 He

needed a

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