第12部分(5 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 10 英文 作者:古詩樂

ork; whether it?s a cute coworker or a cute customer。

(Anybody remember howD first came across yoga girl? Let me tell you; it wasn?t by wandering

into a Bikram class。 。 。 。)

2) What better way to learn the value of a hard day?s work and feel the satisfaction of earning

your money? Ha! Are they still telling those lies?

3) I hear hard labor burns a ton of calories!

So to PHM; keep your chin up; and keep on plugging! That?s all for now; dears。 This little

worker bee needs to refresh her makeup; recharge her laptop battery; and pack up for a little road

trip。 。 。 。

You know you love me。

gossip girl

d; hot and bothered again

?Davey; Humphrey; Bogart; whatever your name is; speed it up。?

All the managers at the Strand had the same authoritative bark that never failed to make Dan

stand up a little straighter。 He looked left and right but couldn?t tell where the mand had e


?You waiting for an engraved invitation; madam?? Phil; a balding; failed Ph。D。 candidate who

loved to make the afternoon shifts hell; popped his head around an old rusty metal shelf。

?Asshole;? Dan muttered as he pushed the groaning cart of to…be…shelved books。

Sensitive much?

The cracked rubber wheels squeaked and clacked as Dan pushed the rickety cart down the long;

narrow aisle; past the outdated travel guides。 He took a deep breath; immersing himself in the

familiar rhythm of picking up a book; determining the last name of the author; and locating its spot

on the shelf。 It was a sure way to let his subconscious speak to him:

Hairy kiss?burn my chin

The sick taste of absinthe in my throat

Deep in my gullet; sore

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