第12部分(2 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 10 英文 作者:古詩樂

breathing out something she didn?t even know was inside

of her。 The frustration; the jealousy; the worry over what would happen next。 She turned to look at

him; but his eyes were closed; and soon hers were too。 And that?s how they slept; for the rest of

the day and into the night。


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hey people!

You know who I?ve always felt kind of sorry for? Those kids with summer birthdays。 They never

got to have ice cream parties at Serendipity because all their friends were away at camp or whiling

away the season in Amagansett。 They never got to bring pastel…buttercream…frosted Magnolia

cupcakes for the whole class to enjoy。 They never got to have the coveted tea party at the Plaza

with all their best girlfriends。 All because they just happened to be born during the three months of

the year when the last thing any…one wants to think about is anyone but themselves。 We don?t

mean to be so selfish; it?s just 。 。 。 in the air。 But that doesn?t mean we don?t feel bad about it。

Really。 So this one?s for you; birthday girls。 。 。 。

Top three ways to say; I?m so sorry I missed your birthday while I was making out with my

unbelievably hot summer fling:

1) Take her to Barneys and let her use your credit card for as many minutes as she is old。 When

your mom gets the bill; take the rap; because that?s what friends are for。

2) Apologize for being more interested in your summer romance than in her rite of passage; and

invite her to join you and your new beau on a double date with his slightly cross…eyed but

almost…as…cute younger brother。

3) I

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