Right now!〃
He turned around and raced through the double doors。 They could hear his
muffled; running feet on the main stairs。
〃There were wasps up there;〃 she said。 〃Did you get stung?〃
〃Where's my purple heart?〃 he asked; and displayed his finger。 The swelling
had already begun to go down; but she ooohed over it satisfyingly and gave it a
small; gentle kiss。
〃Did you pull the stinger out?〃
〃Wasps don't leave them in。 That's bees。 They have barbed stingers。 Wasp
stingers are smooth。 That's what makes them so dangerous。 They can sting again
and again。〃
〃Jack; are you sure that's safe for him to have?〃
〃I followed the directions on the bomb。 The stuff is guaranteed to kill every
single bug in two hours' time and then dissipate with no residue。〃
〃I hate them;〃 she said。
〃What。。。 wasps?〃
〃Anything that stings;〃 she said。 Her hands went to her elbows and cupped
them; her arms crossed over her breasts。
〃I do too;〃 he said; and hugged her。
Down the hall; in the bedroom; Wendy could hear the typewriter Jack had
carried up from downstairs burst into life for thirty seconds; fall silent for a
minute or two; and then rattle briefly again。 It was like listening to machine…
gun fire from an isolated pillbox。 The sound was music to her ears; Jack had not
been writing so steadily since the second year of their marriage; when he wrote
the story that Esquire had purchased。 He said he thought the play would be done
by the end of the year; for better or worse; and he would be moving on to
something new。 He said he didn't care if The Little School stirred any
excitement when Phylli