chair; but Wendy couldn't see what it was。
〃He's not eating as well; either。 He used to be the original steam shovel。
Remember last year?〃
〃They taper off;〃 he said vaguely。 〃I think I read that in Spock。 He'll be
using two forks again by the time he's seven。〃
They had stopped on the top step。
〃He's pushing awfully hard on those readers; too;〃 she said。 〃I know he wants
to learn how; to please us 。。。 to please you;〃 she added reluctantly。
〃To please himself most of all;〃 Jack said。 〃I haven't been pushing him on
that at all。 In fact; I do wish he wouldn't go quite so hard。〃
〃Would you think I was foolish if I made an appointment for him to have a
physical? There's a G。P。 in Sidewinder; a young man from what the checker in the
market said — 〃
〃You're a little nervous about the snow ing; aren't you?〃
She shrugged。 〃I suppose。 If you think it's foolish — 〃
〃I don't。 In fact; you can make appointments for all three of us。 We'll get
our clean bills of health and then we can sleep easy at night。〃
〃I'll make the appointments this afternoon;〃 she said。
〃Mom! Look; Mommy!〃
He came running to her with a large gray thing in his hands; and for one
ic…horrible moment Wendy thought it was a brain。 She saw what it really was
and recoiled instinctively。
Jack put an arm around her。 〃It's all right。 The tenants who didn't fly away
have been shaken out。 I used the bug bomb。〃
She looked at the large wasps' nest her son was holding but would not touch
it。 〃Are you sure it's safe?〃
〃Positive。 I had one in my room when I was a kid。 My dad gave it to me。 Want
to put it in your room; Danny?〃