第7部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

Vanessa sat up straight and adjusted the phone against her ear。 Ken Mogul was only; like; one of

the most famous alternative film directors ever。 At Christmastime he?d happened upon a clip of

Vanessa?s work on the Web and had been so impressed he?d flown all the way from California to

look her up。 The problem was; he?d found her at exactly midnight on New Year?s Eve; which had

been exactly the same moment Dan had shown up to give her a big fat New Year?s Eve kiss。

Needless to say; Vanessa had sort of blown Ken Mogul off; although she had made the effort to

send him her New York film essay when it was finished。

?Yes; I remember;? she answered quickly; pletely amazed that the director even wanted to

speak to her again。 ?What?s up??

?Well; I hope you don?t mind; but I showed your film to Jedediah Angel; who?s a personal friend

of mine; and he wants to use it as a backdrop for his Fashion Week show this weekend。?

Vanessa wrapped the black bath towel around her legs。 It was sort of embarrassing talking to Ken

Mogul when she was practically naked and covered in sugary brown goo。 ?Jeremiah what?? she

asked。 Ken always seemed to speak in Hollywoodese; and this time she had absolutely no clue

what he was talking about。

?Jedediah Angel。 He?s a fashion designer。 His label is called Cult of Humanity by Jedediah

Angel? Very hot。 Jed says you?re the next Bertolucci。 Your film?s like the anti?La Dolce Vita。 You

really rocked his world。?

Vanessa grinned。 Why did people have to sound so cheesy just because they?d made it? She?d

rocked his world? ?Great;? she replied; unsure of what to say。 ?Is there anything you need me to


?Just e to

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