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小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

y got into Harvard!?

bdoesj a little favor

Jenny had always been shy and had trouble making friends; but she had managed to make one in

peer group that day。

?You know; I never really noticed your; um 。 。 。 bra size;? Elise murmured shyly as they were

packing up their book bags to go home。 On either side of them girls slammed their metal locker

doors closed and shouted to each other as they ran downstairs and out the school doors。

?Yeah; right;? Jenny responded sarcastically; trying to wedge her geometry notebook into her

red…and…black…striped Le Sportsac bag in between her French textbook andAnna Karenina 。

Elise giggled as she wound a fuzzy pink scarf around her neck and buttoned the black velvet

buttons on her nerdy tweed coat。 She definitely looked like her mother still dressed her in the

mornings。 ?Okay; I noticed。 But I never thought it bothered you。?

Jenny tucked her curly dark brown hair behind her ears and squinted at Elise。 ?Itdoesn?t bother


Elise pulled her fuzzy pink hat down over her blond bob and hitched her backpack up on her

shoulder。 She was nearly a foot taller than Jenny。 ?Um; are you busy now? Do you want to; like;

do something??

?Like what?? Jenny zipped up her puffy black parka。 Now that she no longer hung out with Nate

or her older brother; Dan; she really needed some new friends; and it might be kind of nice to hang

out with a girl for once; even though Elise seemed kind of prissy and immature。

?I don?t know。 Like go buy some new makeup at Bendel?s or something?? Elise suggested。

Jenny cocked her head; pleasantly surprised。 For a minute there she?d thought Elise was going to

suggest buying a

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