第27部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

she was wele to e to teen group if she wanted。


A:? ? Hello sun;

I?m surprised she didn?t try booking a series of facials! If you?re in teen group I?d steer clear of

her。 It sounds like she?s on a mission。



Jand her two new pals atBowlmor Lanes 。 They look so cute together; but I?ve been there; and

threesomes never work。S home sick from school on Friday with bronchitis。 That will teach her to

wear sundresses in February!B shopping for her rehab outfit in a vintage store onMulberry Street 。

If she?s going to get the part of the desperate junkie; she has to look authentic。D practicing for

theRivington Rover Poetry Club open mike on the subway; whispering to himself over the

clackety…clack of the train。

It?s time to get out and do something cultural for once。 See you at the open mike tonight!

You know you love me。

gossip girl

for the sake of her art

?I?m glad you?re here;? Dan told Mystery as she ran her chewed…on; yellow…nailed fingers

through his fashionably tousled hair。 By total coincidence he and Mystery had arrived at the

Rivington Rover Poetry club at the same time; and for the last fifteen minutes they?d been

smoking unfiltered Camels and groping each other in a stall in the graffiti…ridden ladies? room;

trying to get psyched up for their reading。 ?I?m kind of nervous。?

?Don?t be;? Mystery loosened his narrow black tie and clasped his hand。 ?e on。 Let?s see

what we?ve got。?

They emerged from the ladies? room hand in hand; Mystery in a transparent canary yellow silk

sheath through which her black cotton underwear was pletely visible; and Dan in his new

black suit: th

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