第26部分(2 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

oved since he and Vanessa had accidentally gotten locked out of a party in tenth grade?it had

been an exquisite; precious thing that he couldn?t stop kissing; something new and exciting and

delicious。 Oh;God 。 See? Everything he could think of to describe what sex was like sounded like

a lame ad for a new cereal or something。 Even the wordsex was wrong; andmaking love sounded

like a bad soap opera。

Electricwould have been a good word to describe what sex was like; but then again; it had too

many negative connotations; like the electric chair or an electric cattle fence。Teeming was another

good word; but what did it mean exactly? Andquivering sounded too dainty and puny; like a

scared little mouse。 If he were ever going to write a poem about sex; he wanted to provoke

thoughts of sexy; muscular beasts like lions and stags; not mice。

?Earth to Dan?? Vanessa reached over and flicked her finger against his earlobe。

?Pinnacle;? Dan muttered senselessly。 ?Epiphany。?

Vanessa ducked under the sheet and blew a giant raspberry on Dan?s pale; hollow

stomach。 ?Hello? Are you in shock or something??

Dan grinned and scooted her up his chest so he could kiss her Cheshire cat mouth and dimpled

chin。 ?Let?s do it again。?


Vanessa giggled and rubbed her nose against his unruly brown eyebrows。 ?So I guess you

enjoyed it; huh??

Dan kissed her right eye and then her left。 ?Mmm;? he sighed; his whole body humming with

pleasure and desire。 ?I love you。?

Vanessa collapsed on his chest and squeezed her eyes shut。 She wasn?t a very girly girl; but no

girl can help but melt the first time she hears a boy say those three words。

?I love

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