第24部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

Mystery downed the dregs of Rusty?s martini and gazed exhaustedly at Dan with droopy gray

eyes。 ?Every time Rusty mentions your name I feel the heat creep up my thighs;? she confessed

throatily。 ?I?ve been drowning in desire all week; but I managed to channel that animal energy

into my book。? She giggled。 Her teeth looked like they?d been colored in with a yellow

crayon。 ?Parts of it are totally X…rated。?

Pauper turns prince。 To coin a phrase; I?m crowning。

Dan reached for a cucumber sandwich and shoved it in his mouth; chewing it violently without

even tasting it。 He was supposed to go home and write his memoir。 He was supposed to have a

girlfriend。 He was supposed to be freaked out by this decidedly insane; yellow…toothed; horny

chick。 But the truth was; he was horny; too。 He?d lost his virginity twice already; and he couldn?t

wait to lose it again and again。

?e on;? Mystery beckoned; holding out her yellow…nailed hand。 ?We can get a room and put

it on Rusty?s tab。?

Dan picked up his observation book and followed her to the front desk。 Poetry be damned。 He

couldn?t resist following this story line to the next chapter。

lis for love

Jenny couldn?t be sure that the L who?d sent her a note on Valentine?s Day was actually the boy

from Bendel?s。 He could?ve been a total nerd or even a gross; perverted old man; but secretly she

was already in love with him。 She felt like a girl in a fairy tale in love with a man in a mask; and

she was determined to ride the Seventy…ninth Street crosstown bus until she met him face…to…face。

Monday and Tuesday she rode the bus alone until 7P。M。 with no luck。 On Wednesday after school

Elise came 

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