第5部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

tracksuit with matching gray…and…white Puma sneakers; gray wraparound shades; and a fuzzy

black Kangol hat。

?Hey Mitchell!? Nate called delightedly。 Damn; it was good to see him。 Mitchell raised his hand

in greeting as Nate walked over。 ?I thought you were in Amsterdam; man。?

Mitchell shook his head slowly。 ?Not yet。?

?I?ve been looking for you。 I was almost going to buy from one of those other dirtbags。 You?re

carrying; right?? Nate asked。

Mitchell nodded and stood up。 They began walking down the pathway together; just two friends

taking a stroll in the park。 Nate pulled a folded…up hundred…dollar bill from his coat pocket and

held it in his fist; ready to slip it into Mitchell?s palm as soon as he passed over the goods。

?I got a new shipment in from Peru;? Mitchell said; pulling a plastic baggie of pot out of his

pocket and handing it discreetly to Nate。

If you happened to be in the park watching them; you might have thought they were just sharing

a snack or something。 That is; if you were pletely na?ve。

?Thanks; man。? Nate handed over the hundred and tucked the plastic baggie into his coat pocket;

breathing out a deep; relieved breath。 Too bad he didn?t have any rolling papers with him or he

would have rolled up a big fatty right then and there。 ?So;? he said; figuring it was only polite to

make some casual conversation with Mitchell before taking off。 ?You still moving to Amsterdam

or what??

Mitchell stopped walking and unzipped his Puma jacket。 ?Nah。 I?m stuck here for a while。? He

pulled up his gray thermal shirt to reveal his bare; freckled chest。 There were wires taped to it。

Nate had seenLaw & Order enough times 

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