第2部分(1 / 7)

小說:gossip girl 4 英文 作者:古詩樂

hand away again as if she?d been burned。 Jenny licked her winter…chapped lips。 ?Since we?re

supposed to talk about body image; I guess I have something to say;? she told the group; her voice

wavering。 She looked up to find Blair nodding and smiling at her encouragingly。

?Yes; Ginny??

Jenny looked down at the table again。 Why was she even telling them this?Because I need to tell

someone; she realized。 She forced herself to keep talking despite the furious red…hot blush of

embarrassment burning her face。 ?This weekend I almost had a consultation for a breast


Mary; Vicky; and Cassie scooted forward in their chairs to listen。 Not only was peer group going

to bethe place to pick up the latest fashion trends from the two coolest girls in school; it was going

to be a major resource for gossip!

?I made the appointment;? Jenny continued; ?but then I didn?t go。? She pushed her plate away

and took a sip of water; trying to ignore the curious stares of the other girls。 The group was riveted;

and stealing the spotlight from Blair and Serena was no easy feat。

Elise picked up an onion ring; took a tiny bite; and dropped it on the plate again。 ?What made

you change your mind?? she asked。

?You don?t have to answer that;? Blair interrupted; remembering something Ms。 Doherty had

said in their training session about not pushing the members of the group to open up before they

were ready。 She glanced at her coleader。 Serena was busy examining her split ends with a dreamy;

faraway look; as if she hadn?t heard a word anyone had said。 Blair turned back to Jenny and tried

to think of something reassuring to say so Jenny wouldn?t feel like she

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